Fail to Plan

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Fail to Plan

Postby Bearhugger » Wed Mar 17, 2021 3:24 pm

Fail to plan, plan to fail.

Lets sit back and see where we have been, where we are now and then plan for the near future.

1. Covid maps with red counties COULD impact the Girls' state tournament this weekend. There is concern going on now.

2. Covid maps with red counties COULD impact the WV State Duals. More concern is public.

3. Recent "issues" at a match could impact two teams that are in the same region. Word on the street.

4. The wrestling decision makers made a great decision last season in rounding up every regional 5th placer and plugging all holes at the state tournament. We have more "hole causing" reasons now that ever before.

5. Remind me how the state football champions were decided???

We do not know what the next few weeks hold. We have a month until the WV State Wrestling Tournament.

If there was ever a time to get your scores turned in, it is now.

If there was ever a time to look over Bear Tracks and communicate needed corrections, it is now.

As for the philosophy of "flying under the radar", your wrestler might be so far under the radar, he won't get picked up and selected for whatever "potential" revision to the regional and state tournament that could happen.

What if only the top 2 make it to the state? What if the state tournament gets modified to only a six man round robin? What if they have to cancel it and award the top six based on rankings??? It happened at last year's NCAA wrestling tournament. All Americans were selected based on rankings.

Fail to plan, plan to fail.

I wonder if I will even see a live match this season.

Good luck
Holy smokes. Braxton Amos works out with a landmine now!!!!!!

Posts: 355
Joined: Tue Mar 02, 2021 3:53 pm

Re: Fail to Plan

Postby Doyablameme? » Thu Mar 18, 2021 5:17 am

Have you been getting enough sleep bro ?

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