TOP 10106
- Posts: 466
- Joined: Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:29 pm
TOP 10106
106-1-wood-jm, 2-smith-pp, 3-byrd-phs, 4-mccormick-cm, 5-holt-sa, 6-windland-ps, 7-haskins-rip, 8-simpkins-uni, 9-barbour-oh, 10-talbott-hurr 113-1-martin-ps, 2-bertrand-jm, 3-sharp-gw, 4-atkins-hunt, 5-acerman-phs, 6-wilson-wash, 7-simpkins-uni, 8-jordan-cm, 9-wilson-pp, 10-shriver-morg 120-humphries-sa, 2-kinder-green, 3-stewart-hunt, 4-shamblin-ps, 5-ware-pres, 6-hall-sv, 7-carman-jm, 8-burdette-rip, 9-lorea-gw, 10-taylor-cm 126-1-henson-uni (SPEARS-PHS has a season ending injury and is done wrestling this year other wise he would of been my #2) 2-adkins-cm, 3-mitchell-lew, 4-bailey-sa, 5-roberts-ps, 6-creamer-sv, 7-love-jm, 8-hutchinson-hunt, 9-corbin-hamp, 10-daniluks-rip 132-1-donahue-phs, 2-crewsden-sa, 3-moore-gw, 4-jeffers-hunt, 5-starkey-rip, 6-parsons-wp, 7-zeiders-uni, 8-evans-green, 9-huffman-ps, 10-ward-win 138-1-simpson-rip, 2-lanham-hunt, 3-carder-phs(he beat #2 atkins-sa at wv duels and is now at 138) 4-ketchum-sv, 5-flinn-ps, 6-atkins-sa, 7-roughbough-uni, 8-hefner-green, 9-odom-hamp, 10-price-cap 145-1-tenney-buck, 2-pine-wask, 3-harman-sa, 4-holley-cm, 5-taylor-ps, 6-derito-muss, 7-ware-sv, 8-gibson-hurr, 9-gteen-riv, 10-swafford-ww 152-1-whitemore-cm, 2-nash-wp, 3-jordan-rip, 4-cottrell-uni, 5-hinzman-ps, 6-bailet-sa, 7 crozier-sc, 8-clark-ss, 9-hobbs-green, 10-garcia-buck 160-1-jines-gw, 2-johnson-hunt, 3-morgan-rip, 4-long-hurr, 5-casto-sa, 6-dunbar-ps 7-swisher-hamp,8-fisher-cm, 9-young-ss, 10-simpson-wp 170-1-johnson-phs, 2-lambiotte-ps, 3-white-pp, 4-frisco-uni, 5-morgan-rip, 6-minihan-hunt, 7-dech-hurr, 8-hale-win, 9-carr-ss, 10-priddy-gw 182-1-delong-ps, 2-safford-pp, 3-holley-cm, 4-wotring-morg, 5-valachovic-uni, 6-rollyson-gw, 7-henderson-ww, 8-criddle-ss, 9-asbury-green, 10-chance-hurr 195-1-allman-ps, 2-pomeroy-riv, 3-lundsford-hurr, 4-miller-pres, 5-porter-sv, 6-worley-ww, 7-doll-brooke, 8-jarvis-rip, 9-webster-uni, 10-scarbro-ss 220-1-holstein-riv, 2-mills-hunt, 3-hill-pp, 4-haynes-rip, 5-wolfe-ps, 6-myers-wp, 7-bowlin-wash, 8-pitcher-morg, 9-edgell-brooke, 10-yohn-uni 285-1-wykle-oh, 2-steirwalt-riv, 3-hicks-cm, 4-powers-morg, 5-swafford-ww, 6-mccune-phs, 7-phillips-rip, 8-haga-ps, 9-mccoy-hunt, 10-devaney-nitro. (there were a lot of upsets at the tournaments this past weekend )
- Posts: 5302
- Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2012 12:14 am
Re: TOP 10106
Since you have listed your top 10 for AAA, who were some of the big upsets in AAA you are referring to?
The state tournament qualification process needs to be improved first and foremost.
- Posts: 466
- Joined: Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:29 pm
Re: TOP 10106
106-wood-jm beat smith-pp, holt-sa beat windland-ps 120-carman-jm lost to unrated pp, burdett-rip lost to unrated ps 126-creamer-sv lost to roberts-ps, bailey-sa lost to mitchell-lew, 132-crewsden lost to donahue-phs, 138-#2 atkins-sa lost to unrated phs, flinn-ps lost to ketchum-sv, bailey-sa lost to hinzman-ps, 182-holley-cm lost to safford-pp, 285-haga-ps lost to mccune-phs and phillips-rip. there were also some upsets in the other tournaments this past weekend. all you have to do is make a copy of the current ratings thenm look at the results on and figure out the upsets. that's what i and probable every body else but you do. again for the uptenth time this is comman sense. and i missed that 182 match between south and indy, how bad did your indy kid beat him ? you must be a regular bear "bear huggar the greek" in predicting matches. 

- Posts: 519
- Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:17 pm
Re: TOP 10106
I'm just curious ... Did you do that research " on your own"?
- Posts: 466
- Joined: Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:29 pm
Re: TOP 10106
I've done alota reading "sorta on my own". I also once walked 50 miles just to return a book I had borrowed. But I did NOT chop down the cherry tree. Do ya blame me ? Just call me "honest" Mike. 

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