AAA Preseason Review Information Needed

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AAA Preseason Review Information Needed

Postby AAMatRanking » Fri Oct 05, 2018 1:01 pm

For some reason, predicting AAA weight classes is more difficult even though there are less schools. We are throwing some $#!T against the wall and seeing what sticks here. If anyone has any insight on where some of these heavy hitters will actually be, let us know. PM's work, so do email, so you don't get in trouble for letting out insider trade secrets. Email -

Here is our most educated guesses. Any feedback is appreciated.

Dolan SPMILLS 106
Hoover GE 106
Stockett University 113
Easton South 113
Hartley STA 120
Donahue Parkersburg 120
Holt STA 120
Bowen Huntington 120
Johnson South 120
Gray JM 120
McCarren SPMILLS 120
Windland South 126
Hardy Washington 120
Hobbs BU 126
Simpson University 126
Staud University 126
Harper Spring 126
Miller Musselman 126
Simpson University 132
Adkins Huntington 132
Gooch Park 132
Irizarry South 132
Quiocho South 138
Love JM 138
Bennett University 138
Roberts South 145
Moler Parkersburg 145
Bailey STA 145
Shelek Park 145
Martin-Best Parkersburg 152
Dempsey Huntington 152
Smithson BU 152
Hall Spring 152
Edwards Huntington 152
Hinzman South 152
Elswick GW 160
Stewart Huntington 160
Berisford JM 160
Carman JM 170
Parde Huntington 170
Casto STA 170
Lanham Huntington 182
Stevens Spring 182
Bradbury Washington 195
Swisher Hampshire 195
Wade Parkersburg 195
Amos South 220
Wood Park 220
Holbrook CM 220
Stanley Spring 285
Gribble University 285
Haga South 285
Chapman Riverside 285
Williams JM 285
Mitchell Park
Vaughn CM
Isabell GW
Richardson Park
Cutright BU

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Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2012 12:14 am

Re: AAA Preseason Review Information Needed

Postby Bearhugger » Sun Oct 07, 2018 9:00 am

The word on the street is that Gribble of University is not wrestling.
Holy smokes. Braxton Amos works out with a landmine now!!!!!!

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